Tuesday, March 12, 2013

March Suggested Reading

THE ASSISTANT by Bernard Malamud

Excerpt from HONOR REDEEMS book two of The Singing Fountain

The Palace gardens were silent and dark, with only an occasional flash of headlights through the trees from the street several meters away. Honor led Jan along the elegant arcade of Ionic columns that encompassed the Palace, past the Singing Fountain in the center of the wintry, courtyard garden. They cautiously made their way down a trail that wound through a grove of old trees until Honor stopped behind the Royal Hall. It was a magnificent Renaissance building with a series of arched windows, its facade artfully decorated in white sgraffiti depicting the four elements. She tugged on an inconspicuous wooden door at the building's foundation and it reluctantly opened. "You'll have to duck down low to get in. Watch your head," she whispered.