I've reached the age where people say things like, 'Getting older beats the alternative'. None of us really knows if getting older beats the alternative but I'm willing to take it on faith. Despite the physical ravages of time (thank goodness I'm not vain or I would be a basket case) there are so many good things about being 61. Minor insults or disrespect from strangers rolls off of me without ruining my day, I don't get the blues as often as I used to, and I can see through bull**** quicker. I love the people I love more deeply and can look beyond the moment to the greater scheme of things.
True, there's a certain desperation that comes with getting older. Since the days are a diminishing return I feel the need to pack as much living into each one as I can. I have to live with the aching knowledge that I squandered my young years on fruitless pursuits and now those years are gone forever. But, since I believe that the only reason to revisit the past is to inform the future, I hope that I can fashion something of value from the years I have left.
So here's to getting older and hopefully wiser. To hell with the wrinkles!